Palm Trees In The Snow 2015

Palm Trees In The Snow


Original Title
Palmeras En La Nieve

Hong Kong Title
Palm Trees In The Snow

Plot Synopsis

Since 1926 Fernando Poo's island (Bioko now) was part of the Spanish Guinea and it has belonged to Spain since 1778. In 1968 was proclaimed the independence of the country. The increase in tension and violence of those years was a difficult episode in the island’s past that was not really well known in Spain. Palm Trees in the Snow places the action in the transitional period when colonies gained their independence and in the present, on Bioko, a wounded territory, affected by years of instability, dictatorships, disappearances, tortures and lack freedom. This story is as epic as intimate; it is a story that connects two periods, two cultures, and two generations. The unintended discovery of an old letter pushes Clarence to travel from the cold mountains of Huesca to Bioko to visit the land where her father Jacob and her uncle Killian spent most part of their youth, Fernando Poo's island. In the depths of an exuberant and captivating territory, Clarence unearths the secret of a story of forbidden romance framed in turbulent historic circumstances whose consequences will reach the present.

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